22 Resources to Help You Master Customer Interviews

Talk to your customers!

How many times have you heard that? Sure, you can’t build a successful SaaS without getting feedback from your users, but where do you start?

How do you find people to talk to? What questions do you ask them? And how do you conduct customer interviews?

I’ve compiled a list of resources to help you answer these questions, so let’s get started!

Asking Customers for Interviews

Questions for Customer Interviews

Customer Interview Examples

Michele Hansen shares a few ready made scripts in Deploy Empathy’s newsletter, just pick the one that suits your case:

  • Customer Discovery  – if you need clarity on what to build, before actually building
  • New Customer – use this script to learn more about your customer’s journey 
  • Happy Customer –  Want to learn more about your best customers? This will help you
  • Churned Customers – if you’re struggling with high churn this might be what you need
  • Feature request – someone requests a new feature but you’re not sure how it fits in your product, use this script to find out

Tools for Customer Interviews

  • Fanthom – records, transcribes, and summarizes meetings
  • Tactiq – real-time transcriptions for calls
  • Otter.ai – transcripts, automated summaries, and action items
  • Grain – automates note-taking, record-keeping, and insight-capture

Book Recommendations

  • The Mom Test – recommended if you’re a developer in search of a problem worth solving
  • Deploy Empathy – the most complete guide on customer interviews for SaaS founders
  • Forget the Funnel – a must read if you’re struggling to find a practical use for customer research

Wrapping up

So there you have it, 22 resources to help you master customer interviews. I hope you’ve found this helpful.

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